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I Love My Distributors!

They use the product, know it works!

And want to sell it to you!

Only the Best
for our Babies!
Only the Best for our Babies!


Eddy Transano DVM

HC 71 Box 32 Ava, MO 65608


Outstanding Customer Satisfaction!




peggys Glory

PEGGY CHARCHOL lives in Ava Missouri and raises top quality German Shepherds.  Peggy uses Susan Sinclair's ASSURE Mouth Spray for Dogs on her own dogs, saw the results and decided to become a distributor.

Her phone number is 417-683-2280

Email peg@honeycreekshepherds.com

Website is www.HoneyCreekShepherds.com

Susan and Peggy


lives in West Plains Missouri and has a degree in Animal Science from Cal Poly.  She supplies the animal industry with infrared therapeutic heat tailored to the needs of each business as well as home use.  She sees the benefit of my ASSURE products and decided to become a distributor.  Look for her at the many animal seminar EVENTS throughout the US.

Phone 417-274-3376

Email Infraredheatedkennels@gmail.com

Website is www.infraredheatedkennels.com

Distributor Therese
christmas pic

THE KAEHR'S are in Bluffton Indiana, and have raised designer puppies for almost ten years.  They were impressed with how well it worked with their small breed dogs.

Matt said,

"We raise small breed designer puppies and have been looking for the past nine years for a dental product that works, is safe, and does what it advertises.  I think we finally found it with Susan's ASSURE Mouth Spray For Dogs".

Email Matt@Puppiesbydesignonline.com

Phone 260-273-2568

Website is www.PuppiesByDesignOnline.com



Bethany Mize 


Has a small grooming business that services the Seymour Missouri area and raises Poodles and Aussiedoodles. She wants to provide the best care for her dogs and is so excited to have found this product to use on her dogs and offer to her clients!

Bethany’s Grooming        417-217-2622




new bethany mize pic